Event: Climate Sensitive Design & Building Energy Simulation workshop

Academic Year/ Semester:  2023-24

Venue: Vishwaniketan college of Architecture, Arts & Design (VCAAD)

Participated by: Student from First to Final year

Objectives:Educate participants on the principles and importance of energy modeling in building design and energy efficiency, highlighting the role of e-Quest as a valuable tool for conducting energy analyses.

Brief of the event:

To understand the Climate sensitive design including the need, methodology, various analyses and considerations for design. These will be illustrated by case studies in various climates of India.

Demonstration of climate analysis using the Climate Analysis Tool for quick pre-design analysis and design recommendations for various cities of India. Hands-on application and use of Climate Consultant software for climate analysis required for advanced passive solar architecture.

Learning eQuest software for basic understanding and energy conservation measures for estimation of thermal and lighting performance of buildings.